Maratha Mandal Engineering College organized an Industrial Visit to LEO Engineering Udyambag Industry Estate, Belagavi for B.E. 1st year & 2nd year Mechanical Engineering students on 27th Feb 2022. LEO Engineering has expertise in overhauling and servicing of different types of Steam Turbines. Mr.V. G. Upendra Prabhu Nath, Principle Engineer-Design, having 25+ year of experience in engineering design with expertise in the field of retrofits, up-rates, re-rates, trouble shooting, servicing, erection and commissioning of steam turbine with two Patents in his name. Mr. V. G. Upendra had interacted with students and explained in details of Condensing and backpressure type turbines and their practical applications in different industries. Students learnt about various components of steam turbine unit of capacity 1MW backpressure type turbine. Thank to Mr. Jayadeep Birje, Director of LEO Engineering for permitting students to visit the industry.

Very Enthusiastic and Energetic Students
Good interactive session, energetic and enthusiastic students