MMEC organized an Industrial Visit to Tool Holders Pvt. Ltd, Mache and Maruti Metals Udyambag, Belagavi for II – semester Engineering Students on 10th August 2023. About 80 students with staff member got benefited from industrial visit.
Maruti Metals Pvt. Ltd, Foundry manufactures ferrous and non-ferrous castings. Mr. Sidhart Bhandurge of the company interacted with our students and explained about the casting materials for which the casting is being done. They showed us how to make risers and spur. Also explained practically why the locations of the riser and runner is so important and various stages of foundry processes such as: Pattern & core making, Furnace and Pouring process, Mould making process using squeezing machines, Fettling and about different types of casting inspection and how being done.
Students keenly learnt the related concepts and interacted with the Mr. Sidhart Bhandurge to clear their doubts regarding various casting process stages. The students expressed that the visit could help them relate concepts learnt theoretically.
Mr. Ram Joggannavar (production in charge) explained about different gear shifting forks of (Ashok Leyland and Force Motors) and their processes on CNC,VMC and on induction hardening Machines. Mr.Sachin (Quality Incharge)shown different inspection gauges used in industry apart from college.Mr.Adity Mohite (Design Engineer)shown different programs for different forks and alsotold about different jigs and fixtures should be design.
Prof: Manik Rajangale, and Prof: A. J. Ghadi of MMEC guided the Students during the Industrial visit. Dr. D. G. Kulkarni, Principal, MMEC and Prof: A. C. Mattikalli, HOD, Mechanical Engineering, MMEC motivated the students for Industrial visit.