Engineer’s day celebrated in Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi on 15th September 2022. On this occasion Principal Dr. D.G.Kulkarni, HOD’s of various department, staff members, students and non-teaching staff were present. Principal Dr.D.G.Kulkarni expressed his innovative thoughts about the Role of Engineers in todays world. Prof. AsifAli Jamadar welcome the gathering. Prof. Anuj Deshpande shared his view on Multidisciplinary Engineering. Prof. Anand Mattikalli spoke about the present Engineering Scenario. Prof. Sandya Bevoor expressed her thoughts on Social Innovation. Prof. Santosh Dharnatti shared his view on skills of Engineers. Dr. Kartika P. shared her insight on the existing technologies in India. And Prof. Balappa Javejar presented the vote of thanks. The engineers day program was organized by the NSS team.