A Technical talk on “Interesting world of Forging” was conducted on 12th April 2022 for students of Mechanical engineering department, Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi.
Mr. Vijayakumar Kammar, Global Marketing- MAK International Corporation was the resource person. He enlightened the students with basics of forging process elaborating its applications, types of forging, forging operations, and forging machines with informative videos. He particularized the role of forging process in manufacturing field. Forging helps in enhancing the mechanical properties of components. Forging plays a vital role in manufacturing components of Automotive, Aerospace industry. Many critical components like crankshafts, connecting rod, engine mounts, landing-gear cylinders and struts, beams etc. are manufactured by forging. He also stressed on role of robots in automation of manufacturing industry and future applications of robots.
Dr. D. G. Kulkarni- Principal, said that such programs need to be conducted to cultivate Institute –Industry interactions and provide industrial exposure to students.
Dr. Suresh Mashyal, Vice-Principal & HOD of Mechanical Engineering department welcomed and introduced the Guest. Prof. Anand C. Mattikalli gave a brief comprehension of talk and proposed vote of thanks.